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Simplified KYC helps with Digital Customer Onboarding

2023-06-27 07:06:22

Simplified KYC helps with Digital Customer Onboarding

In today's era, as businesses increasingly move their services online, digital customer onboarding has become a vital aspect for ensuring smooth customer experiences. However, this process can be time-consuming, often involving multiple steps to verify the customer's identity and other important details. Simplified KYC (Know Your Customer) is a solution that can help with this by Digital Customer Onboarding streamlining the onboarding process and making it more efficient for both businesses and customers.     

What is Simplified KYC?   

KYC is a process that many businesses use for the verification of the identity of their customers and to assess potential risks. It is a crucial step in preventing fraud, money laundering, and other illegal activities. However, traditional KYC processes can be time-consuming and cumbersome, involving manual checks and document submissions.    

Simplified KYC is a modern approach to the traditional KYC process, which involves collecting and verifying customer identity information to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and mitigate risks. It offers a more streamlined and efficient method of verifying customer identity using digital tools and technologies such as biometric authentication, facial recognition, and data analytics. With Simplified KYC, customers can submit their information online or through mobile.

KYC is a process that many businesses use for the verification of the identity of their customers and to assess potential risks. It is a crucial step in preventing fraud, money laundering, and other illegal activities. However, traditional KYC processes can be time-consuming and cumbersome, involving manual checks and document submissions.    

Simplified KYC is a modern approach to the traditional KYC process, which involves collecting and verifying customer identity information to ensure compliance with regulatory requirements and mitigate risks. It offers a more streamlined and efficient method of verifying customer identity using digital tools and technologies such as biometric authentication, facial recognition, and data analytics. With Simplified KYC, customers can submit their information online or through mobile.

Benefits of Simplified KYC for Digital Customer Onboarding   

Simplified KYC can offer several benefits for businesses looking to streamline their digital customer onboarding process. Here are some of the key benefits:   

  • Faster Onboarding – Traditional KYC process can be time-consuming and discourage potential customers from signing up. Simplified KYC can speed up onboarding by using digital identity verification and automated checks, reducing the time and effort required.   
  • Better Customer Experience - Businesses can offer a better customer experience by simplifying the onboarding process. Customers can sign up quickly and easily without submitting multiple documents or going through multiple checks, leading to higher customer satisfaction rates and better retention.    
  • Improved Security - Simplified KYC can also enhance security by making it difficult for fraudsters to impersonate customers or use fake identities. Digital identity verification and automated checks can help to detect fraudulent activity and prevent it from happening.  

Simplify Your Lending Business with goFTR: The Ultimate Sales Assist App by Credility -     

An area where businesses can improve their operations is in the sales process. With the goFTR app, companies can simplify and enhance their sales process, resulting in better customer experiences, increased conversions, and, ultimately, higher revenues.   

What is goFTR?   

goFTR is a sales assist app that is a digital account opening solution designed by credility specifically for lending companies in India. The app offers several tools and features that enable sales teams to streamline their processes and close deals more efficiently. With goFTR, sales teams can access real-time data on customer profiles, loan products, and offers, allowing them to make informed decisions and offer customized solutions to customers.   

How Does goFTR Work?   

goFTR offers a user-friendly interface that allows sales teams to access critical information on the go. The app provides features such as lead management, loan product comparison, customer profiling, and document management, all in one place. Sales teams can use the app to track leads, schedule appointments, and manage documents such as loan agreements and customer information.   

Implementing Simplified KYC with Digital Account Opening Solutions via goFTR app by credility  

The GoFTR app is designed to help businesses streamline their digital onboarding process. It provides a range of features, including simplified KYC, to make the process faster and more efficient. Here are some of the features of digital account opening solutions:   

  • Digital Identity Verification - Digital account opening solutions can use digital identity verification to streamline the KYC process. This can include facial recognition, biometric authentication, and other automated checks to verify the customer's identity.   

  • Automated Checks - Digital account opening solutions can also use automated checks to verify the customer's details and assess potential risks. This can include checks for fraud, money laundering, and other illegal activities.   

  • Customizable Workflows - Digital account opening solutions can be customized to fit the specific needs of each business. This can include custom workflows for different types of customers, as well as integrations with other systems and services.   

  • Analytics and Reporting - Digital account opening solutions can provide analytics and reporting features to help businesses track their onboarding process and identify areas for improvement. This can include data on conversion rates, drop-off rates, and other important metrics.   


Simplified KYC is a solution that can help businesses streamline their digital customer onboarding process. By using digital identity verification and automated checks, businesses can offer their customers a faster, more efficient onboarding experience. goFTR app by Credility is an innovative and efficient solution for lending companies in India looking to streamline their sales process and enhance customer experiences. goFTR simplifies the sales process and allows sales teams to make informed decisions and offer customized solutions to customers.   

Not only does goFTR help lending companies increase their revenue by increasing conversions, but it also enables them to offer a better digital customer onboarding and digital account opening solution. Digital account opening solutions can provide a range of features to help implement simplified KYC, including digital identity verification, automated checks, customizable workflows, and analytics and reporting.  


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