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Onfield Credit PD App

Onfield Credit PD App

Online / Offline App
Online / Offline App
Offline capabilities to seamlessly work with low or no internet connectivity.
App can work on any android phone giving flexibility for BYOD for RM.
Study Login Cases on the go
Study Login Cases on the go
Review login file application form and documents.
Capture profile based questions
Capture profile based questions
Profile specific questions to facilitate structured approach in credit personal discussion.
Additional info capture
Additional info capture
Capture family details, additional documents and video recordings.

Configurable Profile specific Questions

 Industry and profile groups

Create and self manage them.

 Categorization of questions

Create categories for clubbing questions of similar nature.

Dynamic questions types

Multi-select, dropdown, percentage, numeric, textual and more.
Configurable Profile specific Questions
Outputs with Geo Tagging

Outputs with Geo Tagging

Generate Digital PD Report
Generate Digital PD Report.
Location tracking of videos and
Location tracking of videos and property location.

Solutions For


Who Can Use

Quick pd supports

On field
                                        credit officer
On field
credit officer
External PD Agency
External PD

Ensure a paperless and standardized e-credit evaluation

Credility provides nothing less than a cutting-edge technology to its clients. We have developed a fully operational platform where the credit managers can conduct a personal round of discussion for credit assessment based on the borrower’s profile. QuickPD is a one- of-a-kind innovative Credit Personal Discussion App designed to equip Banks, NBFCs and HFCs with a robust, simple yet efficient system.

Salient Features of Credility’s QuickPD:

  • Compatible to integrate with any core banking/lending system: QuickPD can be seamlessly integrated with your existing core banking / lending system. The borrower credit assessment software is available currently on android only.
  • Have a standard template to ask profile-based/income-based/property-based questions: Depending on the occupation and profile of the applicant, credit managers can now have a standard and configurable template along with specific profile and income based questions while conducting PD to get meaningful insight into an applicant’s business model/ occupation, credit history or employment status with Digital Credit management becoming a cakewalk. Use the QuickPD App from Credility to make it easier to get a deeper insight into a borrower's financial background, income sources and evaluate their credibility more accurately.
  • Flexible video recording: Credit officer’s of Financial companies can now record multiple short videos as per their requirements of relevant information. Keeping records and maintaining them for audit purposes is now possible. You can take a quick scan of the borrower's office / residence place or take any important consent on video at the time of physical visit.
  • Auto Generate digital credit PD sheet: The QuickPD App auto generates credit personal discussion sheets digitally in real-time, saving the credit manager’s time in preparing the report. This helps in faster evaluation of the creditworthiness of applicants or potential borrowers with an easy-to-use digital sheet.
  • A standardized personal discussion process: Credility has made a standardized process for conducting personal discussion. There is no more requirement for dependency on a highly qualified credit resource’s intelligence with the help of the CreditPD App for NBFC / HFCs / Banks. Providing standard offerings cannot work for all which is why Credility ensure to cater to the unique needs of every financial company. Customise and configure the app according to your preferences. Schedule a meeting with us to understand how our Credit Personal Discussion App can help you save time and money.

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